Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stay Home Moms

This week we read an article called Does a Full-Time Homemaker Swap Her Mind For A Mop? It was interesting to me because I grew up in an inactive family and they had different opinions from the church regarding women going to work and raising families. I was taught that a woman needs to work and that staying home with the kids is a huge mistake. I believe that women should stay home with their kids, but I still feel slightly conflicted because of what my family taught me. I want to establish a career, but I know that is not the best option with a family and I would do whatever is best for my family. The world really looks down upon stayhome moms, but in reality, stayhome moms are doing a great good to society because they are raising a generation of kids with higher values and morals. I believe that the most noble thing a woman can do is to raise her children in righteousness and it is much easier to do if she stays home with them. I noticed that my mom was always discouraged because in the world's eyes she was "just" a stay home mom and I know that she wishes she made something of herself outside of the home. In reality, the best place for her to be was at home with me and my sister where she taught us important life lessons

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